What is a Soft 16 in Blackjack?

November 20, 2022 0 Comments

What is a Soft 16 in Blackjack? Soft 16 is a term used by some casinos to describe their rules regarding splitting hands. But what does it mean exactly and why should you care?

Blackjack has long been considered the easiest game at casinos because of its simplicity. The dealer stands on 17 or above, and each player receives two cards face down. If both players receive 21 (blackjack), they split the pot. If neither gets 21, then the dealer hits until he reaches 17.

This is where things get interesting. Some casinos require a Soft 16 before hitting, meaning that if the dealer draws a total of 16 or less, he cannot hit. Others allow you to double down after the dealer shows 16. And finally, some casinos don’t allow multiple splits, which means you can only take half of the original bet.

Now, let’s try to explain what Blackjack’s Soft 16 rule is.

What is a Soft 16 in Blackjack?

The main purpose of this rule is to reduce the house edge. When the dealer is showing 16 or more during his first turn, the house advantage is reduced. If a player makes a bet before seeing his first card, then the house wins even more money than usual. It is not uncommon for people to expect a winning hand when receiving their second card. However, this will never happen as the dealer must show an initial 16 to be able to make another hand.

How to Play a Soft 16 in Blackjack

One way to play a Soft 16 in blackjack is to wait for your first card to be dealt on the table. Once that happens, you need to decide whether or not to stay with the current bet. While waiting for your second card, the dealer may shuffle the deck so that there won’t be any duplicate numbers. After that, the dealer will give both cards to you face up. You should now have a better idea of how much money you want to risk on this particular hand

If you are going all-in, then you’ll need to pay off any previous bets. If you’re holding cards like Ace high, you would need to increase your bet accordingly. If you are betting $10, then you will likely need to raise your bet to about $25-$35.

For a player who would love to continue playing, here comes the best part. As soon as the dealer shows 16 or higher, you are allowed to double down. In other words, if the dealer was showing 15, and you bet $5, then if the dealer hits 16, you can go all-in again and win twice the amount of the original bet.

What are the Advantages of Playing a Soft 16 in BlackJack?

Listed below are a few advantages of playing a Soft 16:

  • less house edge
  • no duplicate numbers
  • more variation
  • better chance of winning


A soft 16 in blackjack is one of the most confusing terms in the gambling world. Some casinos implement it while others don’t. There’s no set standard among online casinos. If you are interested in playing blackjack, just ask your friendly gaming representative for clarification.